
Emerson College | 2017-2021

Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies


Marketing Specialist | JUKSY Magazine

PR Assistant | Leo Burnett Taiwan

Marketing Assistant | TVBS News

我曾在潮流媒體 JUKSY 擔任行銷企劃,累積超過兩年的經驗,深受時尚與潮流文化的啟發。從穿搭、音樂到生活風格,我擅長洞察年輕世代的流行趨勢,並轉化為具影響力的行銷策略。在這個自媒體時代,資訊爆炸,潮流瞬息萬變,我始終相信,真正能夠留下影響的,不是盲目追隨趨勢,而是回歸自我的核心價值。



Ariel Lin thrives at the intersection of creativity and adventure, effortlessly blending marketing, storytelling, and lifestyle. With an eye for trends and a passion for exploration, she crafts compelling narratives that resonate beyond the surface. Whether developing campaigns, shaping brand identities, or immersing herself in the great outdoors, Ariel approaches every endeavor with curiosity and boldness, constantly redefining the art of engagement.